Holly & JM's Farm Engagement Session in Jackson, NC

Our job is always easier when we have a couple who is naturally able to be themselves during a photoshoot. We love when we have a variety of places to take a couple and give them the most out of their portrait session so they have a diverse image gallery when all is said and done. Both of these things helped us at Holly & JM's engagement session. We had rain, puddles, a unique barn, cool trees, awesome fields, and lots of interesting things to use to make some magic happen. At one point the sun disappeared, but through some magic and our use of off camera lighting, we were able to create our own sun! Holly & JM were a lot of fun to work with so we were able to quickly get into a groove and capture their love for each other through the entire session. Our two locations were their family farm and their friends family farm in Jackson, NC. We had never been to Jackson so that was a fun experience getting to travel and check out a new place. 

These are some of our favorites from their engagement session. We started out at the friends family farm and moved onto their farm closer to sunset. It was pouring rain when we first arrived so we grabbed an umbrella to grab a couple of fun rain shots. It quickly disappeared and left us with an awesome blue sky to work with. When we made it to their farm, we found a few unique spots and then went to an awesome pond that they had on the property. We were really able to get creative at this session, especially when we found a completely hollow tree that had been struck by lightning. We had a blast and we can not wait for their wedding next year! 


Lindsay's Gorgeous Bridal Portraits at the Watson House


Casey & Sean's Engagement Session